Cracked heels are a democratic disorder: it affects everyone, men and women in a completely unconditional way. In addition to the undoubtedly very negative aesthetic repercussions, however, this is a problem that should not be overlooked. If you do not act in time, the thickened skin of the foot can in fact cause pain, cuts and ulcers, all elements that lead to inevitable complications, such as the onset of infections and fungal diseases.
So let’s see together the causes of this problem, the natural remedies to solve the problem and the precautions to be put into practice to prevent it.
Cracked Heels, the Causes
Cracked heels are not an uncommon problem. In fact, we are talking about a part of the body that is constantly subjected to various types of stress, even the simple walk. Then there are situations that facilitate the aggravation of the disorder, such as excessive exposure to the sun in summer which makes the skin of the heels dry, thick and arid.
Taking care of this part of the body every day is particularly recommended, also and above all, in order not to aggravate the situation.
In addition to the normal conditions described above, which affect everyone, there are in fact cases in which the thickening of the skin of the heels becomes a real disabling problem.
Here are what the causes may be:
- use of uncomfortable and unsuitable shoes
- walking often on surfaces that are too hard and uneven
- obesity and overweight
- absence of humidity
- dehydration
- lack of foot care
- genetic predisposition
- unhealthy diet
- aging
- continuous pressure and rubbing
Among the causes of cracked heels there are also real pathologies such as
- diabetes
- thyroid dysfunction
- blood circulation problems
- symptom of high blood pressure or ulcer, especially in older people
In this guide we will focus mainly on natural remedies to alleviate the disorder in cracked heels but, in particular cases such as the latter indicated, the advice is to contact a podiatrist .

Cracked Heels and Quarantin
Cracked heels are also among the many harmful consequences that the quarantine imposed for the Covid-19 pandemic. The reasons? The extra pounds accumulated during the long period of inactivity that led to the feet having to bear an excessive weight load, and too much time spent in slippers and slippers.
Cracked Heels in Pregnancy
Similarly to obesity , pregnancy is an important risk factor for the appearance of cracked heels. In this particular period of a woman’s life, the feet are in fact forced to withstand greater loads than usual.
Cracked Heels, Symptoms
Recognizing cracked heels is quite simple. Let’s see them in detail:
- dry and parched skin
- uneven texture due to severe peeling of the skin
- areas with calluses
- yellowish or brownish complexion
- unhealthy appearance of the skin
In severe cases, in the presence of an advanced disease that has been neglected for too long, the following may also appear:
- pain, accentuated by walking
- bleeding cuts, ulcers and sores
In these particularly severe cases, the presence of cuts and ulcers becomes an easy access route for viruses, fungi and bacteria, thus leading to foot infections which, in the worst case, can then spread to the entire body.
Cracked Reels, Remedies
In the presence of cracked heels it is therefore good to act in time and dedicate the necessary care to this part of the body so as not to make the situation worse.
Here is a series of natural remedies, easily applicable from the comfort of the home.
Vegetable Oils
In the evening, before going to sleep, let your feet soak in warm soapy water. After having washed and dried them thoroughly, massage the heels with your favorite vegetable oil ( coconut , jojoba , sweet almond …) in order to make it penetrate well into the skin. Wear a clean pair of cotton socks overnight. Already the next morning you will notice softer heels.
Sesame oil is particularly suitable , ideal for dry skin and for its anti-aging effect.
Lavender and Bicarbonate Foot Bath
A nice foot bath with these ingredients not only softens the skin of the heels, but also provides a pleasant relaxing effect. Just add 2 or 3 tablespoons of baking soda (or rice starch ) and 4 drops of lavender essential oil to a basin of hot water . The ideal duration of the foot bath is 15-20 minutes. When finished, a scrub is recommended .
Pumice Stone
After softening the skin on your heels with a foot bath or hot bath, rub the pumice stone on your heels gently and using circular motions. A useful treatment to smooth the skin and eliminate dead cells. When finished, apply a moisturizer.

As an alternative to pumice stone, you can make a scrub by mixing salt or sugar with a vegetable oil of your choice.
2 tablespoons of baking soda , combined with a handful of coarse salt and 2 tablespoons of hot water, are a slightly less abrasive compound than the scrub but just as effective. Massage into the heels in circular motions, then rinse. After the scrub, apply a moisturizer or a few drops of sesame or sweet almond oil .
Rice Flour
Mix a handful of rice flour with a couple of teaspoons of honey or apple cider vinegar , the result is a rather thick paste.
After taking a foot bath in hot water and softening the skin of the feet, massage the heels with this paste. Treatment to be repeated at least twice a week.

Shea Butter
After doing a scrub or running the pumice stone on your heels, apply some softened shea butter (in a double boiler or just warm it in your hands). Wear clean cotton socks and leave on overnight. In the morning, rinse off with warm water and mild soap.

Make a foot bath in warm water with the addition of lemon juice . Allow your feet to soak for 10-15 minutes, dry thoroughly and massage with the pumice stone.
Glycerin and Rose Water
Mix a cup of honey in a tub of hot water. Soak your feet for 15-20 minutes, then wash them gently. Repeat the treatment every day for a few months.
Alternatively, you can apply pure honey directly on the heels and leave it on for half an hour, then rinse with warm water or take a foot bath .

Chickpea Flour
Another excellent natural exfoliant suitable for heels and feet is prepared by mixing 3 tablespoons of chickpea flour , 3 tablespoons of brown sugar and 3 tablespoons of ground almonds (or almond flour ). Add 1 tablespoon of oil (olive oil or any type of vegetable oil to taste) and as much water as necessary to obtain a mixture that is easy to apply and rub into the skin. Perform the scrub with this compound insisting on the rougher areas.
Oil and Lemon
Mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice , 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a pinch of baking soda (or rice flour ). Mix until you get a creamy mixture to massage on the heels as if it were a scrub .
This remedy also works well for corns and calluses .

Mash the pulp of 2 ripe bananas until a thick, smooth and homogeneous cream is obtained. Gently rub on the feet, including the nails, and let it rest for about 20 minutes. Then rinse.
Rich in vitamins A , B6 and C , banana is a great natural moisturizer for the skin.
This treatment should be performed every evening for at least 2 weeks, or until the desired result is obtained.
Cracked Heels and Mouthwash
Taking a half-hour foot bath in Coca Cola is not only able to solve the problem of cracked heels, but also to dissolve corns and calluses . After soaking, rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizer.
If the remedy is simple and effective, however, it would be advisable to reflect on the ingredients that make up this drink. If it has this effect on our battered feet, who knows what will ever happen to our stomach once ingested
How to Prevent Cracked Heels
And after having seen which remedies you can choose to solve, or at least mitigate, the problem of cracked heels, we also see the good habits to be implemented to prevent the problem.
- Keep the skin of the feet constantly hydrated with specific products (products containing urea, ceramide and glycerin are ideal)
- Wear breathable footwear , which does not tighten the foot and which has a not too hard or rigid sole
- If necessary, use specific insoles to cushion the friction and pressure on the feet
- Limit the use of heels, clogs and flip flops
- Don’t walk barefoot
- Periodically, at least once a week, carry out a scrub or a massage with a pumice stone
- Drink at least 2 liters of water every day
- Always wear soft cotton socks , and avoid those with stiff seams
- Keep your feet dry and clean at all times , essential for preventing fungal infections such as “athlete’s foot”
- Do not tear cuticles and dry skin that tends to come off the heel
- Follow a correct diet
- If necessary, reduce body weight
- Maintain a certain degree of humidity in the house by using a room humidifier
Other Guides and Recipes for the Well-being of the Feet
We also recommend these thematic guides that may be right for you.
- How to make a dry foot cream
- Foot mycosis : the best natural remedies
- Why is taking your shoes off indoors?
- How to make a foot scrub
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- The best natural remedies for foot corns and calluses : the easy guide
- Foot care : are we ready to show beautiful and manicured feet?
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